Sunday, January 15, 2012

"Sometimes I'm dreaming...She hopes to open shadowed eyes on a different world"

For some reason I woke up with The Cure stuck in my head.
After a few days of pouring rain our camp has become rather soggy in places. Everything feels damp and wet. It probably didn't helpthat I crawled into bed last night to find that my water bottle had emptied onto my mattress and sleeping bag. I slept in the damp mess as best as I could. I even dreamt about rain although in the dream I was living in a house that was missing half the roof and one wall. I had high hopes for that damp deconstructed house though.The landlord seemed optimistic that it could be repaired. I spent most of my time cleaning up the mess and getting ready for work the next morning.

Today our group is about ready to leave this camp to go 4 hours south. Right now I am completely packed and ready to go. Excited to see what the new place is like. Hopefully it smells a little better. I’m not sure the sewage system in this area was meant to handle 40 some girls. Our dorm has smelled pretty bad the last few days and the showers give a good whiff of sewage every time a toilet is flushed. The rain probably hasn’t helped. It has been a great deal cooler now though. It's been in the low 70s when the sun isn't out.

While we’re waiting to leave, Doug and I have been doing speed tests on the CDMA wireless. I guess it’s what geeks do for fun in a developing country.

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