Friday, January 13, 2012

Relaxing Day in Belize

Today was a nice relaxing breezy day in Belize. It was about 85 degrees today. We had class in the morning and then we had the afternoon off to work on homework, relax, and explore Succotz. So I decided I wanted to study and work on my paper in a hammock to enjoy the weather outside. Brighton helped me set up his hammock between two of the trees. I was able to swing in the hammock and get a lot of research done for my paper. During the lunch hour for the school the little boys thought it was funny to sneak up and try to scare me out of the hammock. It was funny trying to scare them instead when they came up to me. After relaxing and doing homework, a group of us walked down to the market for the third day in a row. I love the market and looking at all the vendors. We decided that the river looked like a good place to sit and relax too. While sitting at the river we saw iguanas sun bathing at the top of trees. These iguanas were the biggest I have ever seen in my life! I could not believe how huge they were. It was really neat being able to see them in the wild. I am really enjoying the hot weather and relaxing atmosphere here.

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